Eco Leadership: Transforming Organisations for a Connected Future

What if there was a way to lead organisations in a way that created more resilient and adaptive teams, taking into account the complex, interconnected world in which we find ourselves? Welcome to Eco Leadership. This innovative concept, championed by Simon Western, founder of the Eco Leadership Institute, offers a fresh perspective on navigating the challenges of the modern world. 

Xenergie and the Eco-Leadership Institute are now partnering to create a unique service for leaders to learn, take action and enable transformation in a more systemic, social and enduring way.

Listen to the latest podcast where the Xenergie and Eco Leadership Institute team explore new approaches to leadership:

The Evolution of Leadership

Leadership styles have significantly evolved over the past century. Controller Leadership focused on maximising efficiency through strict control of resources and people. Therapist Leadership emphasised emotional intelligence and people skills, underpinned by the belief that happy workers are more productive. Then we have Messiah Leadership, characterised by charismatic leaders shaping organisational change through strong visions and cultures.

While these approaches remain prevalent, they often fall short in addressing the complexities of today's interconnected world. Eco Leadership represents a paradigm shift in leadership thinking, emphasising systemic and participative decision-making, collective leadership, social justice, and environmental responsibility.

Introducing Eco Leadership

Eco Leadership moves beyond traditional top-down models by encouraging leaders to appreciate systemic connections and engage with their teams in a participative manner. This approach fosters a sense of social purpose and accountability to broader societal and environmental contexts.

The Power of Social Leadership

Closely aligned with Eco Leadership is the concept of Social Leadership, which focuses on inclusive and relational thinking. Social Leaders view organisations as networks of relationships, facilitating organisational learning and change while empowering employees at all levels.

In an era marked by existential anxiety and fundamental shifts in work practices, Social Leadership helps organisations navigate these changes effectively. It emphasises the importance of stewardship and facilitating learning as organisations transition to more inclusive ways of working.

Transforming Leadership Development

As organisations recognise the need for new leadership approaches, many are updating their leadership development programs. These programs are shifting focus from traditional models to more innovative, connected approaches:

  • Letting go of ego-driven leadership: Leaders are encouraged to release control and embrace a more collaborative style. This involves moving away from the "Messiah leadership" model, where charismatic individuals create organisational culture, towards a more distributed leadership approach.

  • Embracing the role of leader as connector: Instead of being the sole visionary, leaders are now expected to facilitate connections within their organisations and across broader ecosystems.

  • Focusing on value creation across the organisation: Leadership development now emphasises how leaders can foster value throughout the entire organisational network, not just at the top.

  • Developing skills for networked and social ways of working: Programs are incorporating training on inclusive and relational thinking, viewing organisations as networks of relationships rather than hierarchical structures.

  • Facilitating organisational learning and change: Leaders are being trained to guide their teams through periods of transition and uncertainty, helping organisations adapt to new ways of working.

The partnership between Xenergie and the Eco Leadership Institute exemplifies this shift in leadership development. By combining Simon Western's expertise in Eco Leadership with Xenergie's experience in organisational transformation, this collaboration aims to equip leaders with the skills and mindset needed for the future. 

Challenges in Leadership Education

Despite growing recognition of Eco and Social Leadership, significant challenges remain in leadership education:

  • The "neoliberal triangle": There's a self-reinforcing cycle between large corporations, business schools, and major consultancies. This triangle often perpetuates traditional leadership models, making it difficult for new approaches to gain traction.

  • Resistance to change: Many leaders struggle to let go of control and adopt more inclusive, participative leadership styles. This resistance can slow the adoption of new leadership paradigms.

  • Existential anxiety: In times of significant change and uncertainty, there's a tendency for people, including leaders, to retreat to familiar silos and ways of working. This can hinder the adoption of more open, connected leadership approaches.

  • Lack of practical models: While there's growing interest in new leadership styles, many organisations lack concrete examples and models for implementing these approaches effectively.

  • Balancing empowerment and guidance: Leaders face the challenge of giving more power and responsibility to their teams while still providing necessary direction and support. Finding this balance is a key aspect of modern leadership development.

  • Adapting to organisational context: One-size-fits-all approaches to leadership development are increasingly seen as inadequate. Programs need to be tailored to specific organisational contexts and cultures.

To overcome these challenges, leadership education must evolve to incorporate more experiential learning, systemic thinking, and practical application of new leadership concepts.

As the business landscape continues to change, leadership education must keep pace, fostering leaders who can navigate complexity, embrace uncertainty, and create value through connection and collaboration.


As we navigate an increasingly complex business environment, Eco Leadership and Social Leadership offer promising frameworks for organisational success. By embracing these approaches, leaders can create more resilient, adaptable, and purpose-driven organisations ready to thrive in a connected future.

The partnership between Xenergie and the Eco Leadership Institute is poised to lead this transformation, offering leaders the tools they need to succeed in a world where connection and collaboration are paramount. By fostering environments where leaders can let go of control and embrace inclusive thinking, we pave the way for a new era of organisational excellence.

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